2020 Year in Review & Presidents Message
OBHBA 2020 Year in Review
OBHBA President’s Message
OBHBA Membership,
I’m sure everyone is glad to see 2020 in the rearview mirror and are looking forward to hopefully a more predictable 2021. With all the challenges 2020 presented, OBHBA was still able to meet our goals. There were many positive take-aways that couldn’t have been made possible without the support of members like you, currently 450 strong.
First off, I would like to thank all who worked diligently with local, state, and national leaders, allowing the construction industry to remain open during these times. OBHBA Foundation Club and Build PAC sponsors allowed our voice to be heard. To become a Foundation Club sponsor or Build PAC contributor, call Phyllis at the office at 252-449-8232. OBHBA December year to date Build PAC Contributions totaled $15,868, second in the state behind Wake County.
A weeks long food drive generated over $18,000 which was presented in April just as families began feeling the impacts of the COVID shut down. (Picture below).
Scholarships were presented to; Sarah Nicole York, Alexandra Conley, Danielle Davalos, Myles Sillies, Kenneth Crawford, Jr., and Sophie Waterfield. Scholarship money is raised primarily through two golf tournaments and a silent auction each year, as well as donations. We raise money to be able to award scholarships to deserving students whose parents are members or whose parents work for members of the Home Builder's Association. Or who are students set on a career in the trades or construction management and can be recommended by any OBHBA member.
This year office Renovations were under way moving from the exterior to the interior, now complete. Thank you to all who have donated time and services. It looks great! Come by and check it out! The office is open to all members who want to drop in between appointments and work or meet with clients. (Please see the pictures below
Starting in January, Duke Geraghty was brought on board as the OBHBA GAD (Government Affairs Director). The bi-monthly news briefing that we all look forward to has started back circulating. If you have any questions about what is going on in local towns or at the state level, give Duke a call at 252-202-8861.
Last, but not least Phyllis the EO is doing an excellent job at running the day-to- day operations and keeping up with what is going on at NCHBA and NAHB! If you have any questions or have a member prospect, call her at the office at252-449-8232, or email office@obhomebuilders.org.
Thank you for your continued support and the impact you make on our industry. Hopefully 2021 will allow social events where not only business relationships, but life-long friendships are made!
Vaughan Robinson, 2021 OBHBA President
Coastal Cottage Contracting
OBHBA Accomplishments Overview
Giving Back
- Donation to the Beach Food Pantry, which provided 170,000 meals!!
- $6000 in OBHBA Scholarships awarded
OBHBA Accomplishments
- Legislative Accomplishments
- Virtual Parade of Homes
- Spring & Fall Golf Tournaments (Scholarship Fundraisers)
- NCLBGC Educational Opportunities (Virtual)
- Membership Growth-10% increase in Members from 2019
NCHBA Member Accomplishments
- Mark Martin, Sandmark Custom Homes was installed as the 2020 NCHBA President.
- Dave Stormont, Storm Coast Homes, was inducted in the 2020 North Carolina Housing Hall of Fame.
And just a reminder, the OBHBA website, www.obhomebuilders.org, is always accepting donations for the Beach Food Pantry and Buxton Fire Victims. Simply click on the Donate Now icon.
OBHBA Members (L to R): Matt Neal, Neal Contracting Group, (Elisabeth Silverthorne-EO Beach Food Pantry); Tom Haddon, Haddon Homes; Vaughan Robinson, Coastal Cottage Contracting; Blair Meads, Reliant Construction and Jake Overton, Overton Corporation.