NCHBA 4th Quarter Meeting
It was an amazing time at Pinehurst, NC for the North Carolina Home Builders Association 4th Quarter meeting. Dave Stormont was inducted into the NC Home Builders Housing Hall of Fame, and the 2020 NCHBA President, Mark Martin finished up 6 years of service with the NCHBA. I hope you all enoy the pictures, it was a wonderful time.
(above l to r) Penny & Dave Stormont with Duke Geraghty. Sandy & Mark Martin. Jay & Deborah Overton.
(above l to r) Blair Meads, Vaughan Robinson & Jake Overton. Penny & Dave Stormont listening to introduction of Dave being inducted in the NCHBA Housing Hall of Fame. Dave addressing the NCHBA after induction.
(avove l to r) Penny & Dave with Housing Hall of Fame Award. Mark, Penny, Dave & Sandy. The OBHBA crew was there to support Dave & Penny.
(above l to r) Jay & Duke talking with NCHBA Executive Vice President Tim Minton. Jake, Phyllis, Blair & Vaughan