North Carolina Builder, "Mark Martin Ready to Lead NCHBA in 2020"
Hed: Mark Martin Leads NCHBA Into New Decade
The New Year marks the passing of the leadership reigns at the North Carolina Home Builders Association. This year, it also marks the start of a new decade in the life of NCHBA. At the helm will be Mark Martin, a custom home builder and remodeler from Kitty Hawk, NC.
“I’m excited to lead NCHBA at this important moment,” Martin said. “We all know the challenges we face in our industry, but there’s so much opportunity to meet them. As the largest HBA in the country, we’re uniquely positioned to lead the fight on issues of affordability, regulations, the skills gap and more.”
Martin joined the Outer Banks HBA soon after he and his wife Sandy moved to the island from northern Virginia in 1996. The couple wanted to relocate in part because of northern Virginia’s rapidly rising land values, which made it difficult to compete in the housing market. Moreover, having vacationed on the Outer Banks multiple times, the allure of the slower pace of island life became a strong selling point of putting down roots in the sand. Along with their two children, Sam and Amanda, the couple moved south.
Mark and Sandy then started their business, eponymously named Sandmark Custom Homes. In a typical year, they build approximately two to four new homes and complete as many as 15 major renovations.
Over the years, Martin has found that life on the Outer Banks isn’t always smooth sailing. Major storms – including hurricanes and nor’easters – which cause high winds, flooding, and storm surge, can wreak havoc on the barrier island. But residents of the Outer Banks see weathering these storms as proof of their resilience, determination and grit.
Martin brings similar characteristics to the role of NCHBA president. He’s focused and ready to continue to implement NCHBA’s 2020 Strategic Plan and to see a successful roll out of continuing education for general contractors.
“Our Vision 2020 Strategic Plan reflects our values, shows our vision, and spells out concrete actions we’re taking to accomplish our strategic goals,” Martin said.
Those goals include continuing to position NCHBA as the leading public policy expert on residential housing in North Carolina. Martin aims to build on the strength of NCHBA’s reputation as a legislative and regulatory watchdog that promotes a healthy, pro-business climate for builders and developers to construct homes that are attainable for North Carolina families. To maintain that status, Martin notes that it will be critical in a Presidential Election year to support NCHBA BUILD-PAC and the Home Builders Education Fund, Inc. to ensure that pro-housing candidates are elected.
“The stakes are high in every election,” Martin said. “The result can be decided by a razor-thin margin, so it’s incredibly important to make sure that we’re doing our part to get out the message about the candidates who will help keep housing costs reasonable in North Carolina.”
Martin is equally committed to focusing on membership. He says a strong economy and housing market provide fertile ground to cultivate more members to grow the association from every corner of the state.
“North Carolina has been a leader in membership growth and we’ve got to keep our foot on the gas,” Martin said. “We’re going to show the value of membership in the coming year and work to spread that message far and wide.”
Martin follows the lead of Dave Stormont to become the second Outer Banks HBA member to become NCHBA president. Stormont, in fact, presided over Martin’s recent installation held in Pinehurst, NC.
“Dave Stormont, Duke Geraghty and Carl ‘Pogie’ Worsley were some of the first people I remember meeting when I moved to the area,” Martin said. “And they’ve remained valuable friends and great advocates for our industry.”
The relationships and connections stand out as one of the most important benefits of membership, Martin says. The bonds and trust that develops at membership events on both the local and state level are valuable assets in an industry where there’s constant change and new obstacles.
“NCHBA is more than 14,600 members strong right now,” Martin said. “That’s an incredible testament to the strength of our association.”
“The year ahead is a new opportunity to grow even stronger,” he said. “I’m excited to kick off this new decade along with NCHBA staff, the executive committee, executive officers and our members across the state.”