OBHBA 2024 1st Quarter Newsletter
2024 First Quarter Newsletter and New Members Spotlight
On January 16th, the OBHBA held their first quarter meeting at Sea Ranch. New Officers and Board Members were installed. Officers and Board Members are:
OBHBA Officers
President, David Buchanan Compass Edge Construction (252) 202-4217
Vice President, Jennifer Adams-Falconer, Excel Contracting LLC (252) 261-8701
Associate Vice President, Joey Austin, Atlantic Elevators, (252) 473-1083
Secretary, David Whitehurst, Kellogg Supply Co. (252) 441-4324
Treasurer, Matt Neal, Neal Contracting Group Inc. (252) 564-9780
Past President, Blair Meads, Reliant Construction LLC, (252) 202-7007
OBHBA Directors at Large
Matt Florez, Angel Advanced Technologies (252) 207-7519
Jonathan Daniels, FullTilt Blinds & Shutters (252) 202-8200
Kim James, SAGA, (757) 438-4472
Molly Hess, Johnson, Mizelle, Straud & Murphy LLP (252) 261-2333
Mark Martin, Sandmark Custom Homes Inc., (252) 261-1123
Brian Smith, Smith Contracting NC LLC, (252) 202-6602
Grant Smith, SimpleSide Construction, (252) 564-8307
Shay DeLuca, State Farm-Kimberly Carroll Agency (252) 491-2727
Jay Overton, Albemarle & Associates LTD (252) 441-2113
Ferguson held a Fall promo for a member to get the chance to win an outdoor grill. The winner was selected at random in January. Joey Moore was the winner! Congratulations Joey.
February 1st, the Region 2 meeting was held in Greenville, NC
February 13th the NCHBA held their first quarter meeting in Greensboro, NC.
February 16th, the annual OBHBA Family Bowling night was held at OBX Bowling. The event was sponsored by Atlantic Elevators. It was a great turnout and a huge thank you to Joey Auston and his team for the sponsorship!
March 19th the OBHBA second quarter meeting was held at the Sea Ranch Resort. Larry Barker, with Towne Benefits spoke on the upcoming NCHBA Health Insurance and Jeff Schwartzenberg for the Outer banks Visitors Bureau spoke to the membership.
And just a reminder, the Parade of Homes Committee has met several times, and we are looking forward to one of the best Parade’s yet! Do not get left out!
New Members in the First Quarter:
Holliday Metal Buildings Inc, Jimmy Holliday (Builder): jimmyholliday@embarqmail.com
(252) 809-3111
TLW Contracting LLC, Tyler Walski (Builder): TLWContracting252@gmail.com
(252) 489-6175
Royal Building Products, Seth Hardin (Associate): shardin1@westlake.com
(910) 880-1779
All Around Painting, Carter Edwards (Associate): carter.allaroundpainting.edwards@gmail.com
(252) 940-9806
Armstrong & Son Heating & Air LLC, James Armstrong (Associate):
(252) 797-4100
Island Water Treatment, Brian Lilley (Associate): islandwater252@gmail.com
(252) 256-9858
JB Sims Construction Co Inc, James Sims (Builder): simsrus@aol.com
(757) 748-2150
T&B Homes Inc, Benjamin Nelson (Builder): info@tbhomesobx.com
(252) 207-9837
Kidwell Construction LLC, Joshua Kidwell (Builder): jkidwell91@gmail.com
(252) 489-1392
No Limit Drywall LLC, Chad Holt (Associate): nldobx@gmail.com
(252) 455-1881
Bill Kingston, P.E. PLLC, Bill Kingston (Associate): billkingstonpe@gmail.com
(252) 216-6661
AB Construction, Ahmet Kok (Associate): info@abconstructionmaterials.com
(757) 707-7023
Phyllis Hobbs, Executive Officer
Outer Banks Home Builders Association