OBHBA 3rd Quarter Newsletter 2021
The OBHBA 3rd Quarter Newsletter is Sponsored by One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning http://www.obxonehourair.com
Give them a call at 252-441-1740 or send an email to customerservice@obhc.com for any of your home or office heating & cooling needs.
2021 Third Quarter Newsletter
On July 21st the third Continuing Education Class for NCLGC was held at the OBHBA Office. Sean Sullivan was the instructor and did an amazing job.
July 23rd the OBHBA Reverse Raffle & Pig Pickin NCHBA Build-Pac was held at the OBHBA Office. Jay and Jake Overton cooked a delicious pig, complete with coleslaw, baked beans, rolls and about anything you wanted to drink! Folks came and ate inside or outside and there were plenty of plates fixed for carry-out. All 350 tickets were sold. The runner-up was James (Jimbo) Ward with Beach Realty & Construction. Jimbo won a beautiful painting donated by Daniels Homeport. And the $5000.00 grand prize winner was Mark Martin with Sandmark Custom Homes!
August 17th, PPG Architectural Finishes, Inc., and OBHBA Member Angela Weinkle held a PPG-OBHBA Expo at the office The expo showcased all the products and services builders, and contractors have available through PPG. PPG also has discounts for being an OBHBA member. This market is extremely unique with unique needs, and PPG wants to help preserve the traditional feel of the beach. PPG has products and systems that will help preserve the beach, increase safety and resist against the weather and all it brings.
August 18th, the fourth Continuing Education Class was held at the OBHBA Office thru Zoom, with some Builders taking advantage of the Conference Room to participate thru Zoom. Chad Collins was the instructor and did a great job.
August 30th, kitten rescue at the OBHBA Office. Brian Smith & Taylor Gulbins of Smith Contracting rescued 2 little kittens that had climbed in my car engine. Both kittens have a home and are doing great at Brian’s farm.
September 1st, the OBHBA Membership Drive officially started and will run through November 30th. The goal is for each member to Recruit 1 in 21. In September, the OBHBA had 7 new members to join.September 1st-30th was Associate Appreciation Month. The Association could not do what it does without the Associate Members, and we thank you for your support.
Member Spotlight Mr. and Mrs. Cerza & the Team at Outer Banks Furniture
It was a beautiful sunny day in High Point, NC. We were there for the International Furniture Market’s premarket, thoughtfully, and excitedly shopping for our new adventure in retail, Outer Banks Furniture. We entered the vendor showroom to shop for recliners and we were immediately struck by the number of people staring at the TV’s that hung from the showroom walls. We learned that a plane had it the North Tower of the World Trade Center. It was September 11, 2001. We joined the on lookers and watched in disbelief as the second plane hit the South Tower. Market was over. The world as we had known it was over.
We left High Point and headed home, questioning our timing in opening a new business, but the die was cast. We had borrowed money, signed a lease, bought merchandise, hired employees, and made a commitment.
We opened Outer Banks Furniture in the Outer Banks Mall in November 2001. The grand opening was well attended and deemed to be a success.
In the months that followed businesses on the Outer Banks flourished. Vacationers and second home buyers flocked to this ocean paradise in a quest for a safe haven. This was the rainbow after the storm.
Twenty years have gone by, and we are all weathering another storm. The pandemic has changed all our lives. The circumstances are different, but the outcomes are eerily similar. Fear and tragedy have brought more people to the Outer Banks. The lure of the ocean and the warmth of her people are hard to resist.
We have gone through changes at Outer Banks Furniture. We have moved from Nags Head to Kitty Hawk, but still service the entire Outer Banks. We have concluded that “less is more.”
Our business model may have changed over the years, but our commitment to customer service has not. It has remained steady over these 20 years, and God willing, will remain steady for many years to come.
Please visit us at 5301 N. Croatan Hwy.
We look forward to seeing you.