OBHBA Bowling Family Fun Night
(Pictures left to right) Pella & Home Remodelers: (seated l-r) Toddie Lewis-Dawdy & Janine Harrington. (standing l-r) John Morton & Jim Harrington, Excel Contracting & Cozy Kitchens: (l-r) Luke Falconer, Jennifer Adams-Falconer & Nathan Neal, SAGA: (l-r) Kim James, Carrie Colson & Victoria Jackson.
(Pictures left to right) Overton Contracting, Smith Contracting: MVP Amelia Smith, Smith Contracting: (l-r) Nona & Kevin Smith. Brian & Anna Smith
(Pictures left to right) The REAL Contractors: (seated l-r) Melissa Overton & Molly Hess. (standing l-r) April Parnell, Laura Meads & Hanna Robinson, Reliant Construction & OBXPerts Protective Coatings: (l-r) Blair Meads & new member Brian Leffel of OBXPerts, Compass Edge Construction: David Buchanan & Kristen Benard
(Pictures left to right) David & the Dinosaur, Thank you to Atlantic Elevators & Joey Austin for sponsoring the OBHBA Bowling night!! David & the Granny throw & it was a strike!